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Discover Dave Sexton's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2023-02-23 Dave Sexton | Web Developer / Software Engineer en-US true Dave Sexton, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Dave Sexton 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Dave Sexton Software Engineer
Dave Sexton

Dave Sexton

Web Developer / Software Engineer
React / Redux / Flask / SQLAlchemy / PostgressSQL /SQLite /CSS React / Redux / Node.js / Sequelize /PostgressSQL /SQLite /CSS React / Redux / Flask / SQLAlchemy/ Express TypeScript JavaScript Shell Python CSS HTML Mako

After 20 years of working as a pastor, I am excited to begin the next chapter of my professional life by applying my people and creative problem-solving skills to the world of software development. I am a lifelong learner who loves new ideas and loves listening to people talk about their passions. Currently, a lot of my hobbies involve learning about things my kids are discovering (anything from Minecraft and Pokemon to Ballet and random facts about hedgehogs).

I completed App Academy's 6-month online boot camp.

I love the process of asking questions to understand a problem or a need and then coming up with multiple big-picture ways of solving that problem (especially if you can do that with others) and the euphoric feeling as you watch the solution work.

React / Redux / Flask / SQLAlchemy / PostgressSQL /SQLite /CSS
Coder’s Gambit is a full stack web application that allows users to play chess in a highly custom...
React / Redux / Node.js / Sequelize /PostgressSQL /SQLite /CSS
No Room At The Inn is a full stack clone of Airbnb that demonstrates a growing skill in managing ...
React / Redux / Flask / SQLAlchemy/ Express
outing is a full stack group project that gamifies task management and habit formation.
TypeScript, JavaScript, Shell
A TypeScript chess library for chess move generation/validation, piece placement/movement, and ch...
Python, CSS, HTML, Mako, Shell
Config files for my GitHub profile.
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
JavaScript, CSS, HTML

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