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Discover Ryan Munsch's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2024 2018-04-25 Ryan Munsch | Full-Stack Web Developer en-US true Ryan Munsch, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Ryan Munsch 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Ryan Munsch Software Engineer
Boston MA US
Ryan Munsch

Ryan Munsch

Full-Stack Web Developer
JavaScript React Firebase Ruby on Rails Ruby HTML CSS

I'm Ryan, a Boston-based web developer. I love comedy, literature, geography, beer, dogs, nature, podcasts. I want to work as a JavaScript developer, primarily focusing on React development.

I learned to program through a combination of teaching myself and then enrolling in Bloc, an online bootcamp.

My favorite things about programming are solving problems, being creative, the challenging nature of the work, and the continuous learning.

JavaScript, React, Firebase
A messaging app built with React and Firebase
Ruby on Rails
A reddit-inspired forum app built with Ruby on Rails
HTML, JavaScript
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
A starter project for Bloc's AngularJS-driven music player app
CSS, JavaScript, HTML
A starter project for Bloc's jQuery-driven music player app
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
Ruby, HTML, JavaScript, CSS
Alexa skill trivia-game. Identify the capital city of each European country.
A messaging app built with React and Firebase.
HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Build An Alexa Fact Skill

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Contact Ryan and All Sorts of Other Cool Stuff