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Interview with Featured Junior Developer, Richard Folea 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs 2025 08/2016 en-US true Richard Folea, Junior, Featured, Developers, Interview
Richard Folea Picture

Richard Folea

Featured Interview
Hi Richard, what got you interested in becoming a developer?

I have gone through the ringer as far as careers go. I have been a butcher, baker, waiter, candestick salesman, horse-drawn carriage driver, tour guide, nuclear engineer, pizza delivery, you name it and I have probably done it. Until last year, I had never considered development. However, when I first started as a QA Engineer, I began working closely with experienced developers. It was this interaction that sparked my interest as a programmer, and I have since learned (self taught) several programming languages - Java, jQuery, HTML, CSS, Python, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, SQL, AutoIt, and I keep on learning!

What were you doing before you learned to program?

Before I learned to program, life was crazy to say the least. Long story short, I unintentionally traveled a lot and did a lot of things. I can elaborate on this if you're interested, contact me.

Outside of coding, what are some of your hobbies or interests?

I am also a welder (TIG, MIG, Stick, you name it) and also have a dog named Oscar that keeps me company.

What technologies or languages do you feel most comfortable with?

I am most comfortable with Java, as it was my first object oriented language and put in place the mindset I needed to learn other languages.

Which technologies do you intend to become more comfortable with?

I intend to learn more mobile development, specifically Android. I would also like to focus on C++ and C#.

Do you have any projects or code samples you're particularly proud of?

I was taking an online class from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and had to create a Rock Paper Scissors game from scratch. It wasn't until after I tried to turn in my fully functional code did I realize they had a sample layout we were just supposed to fill in the blanks.

Briefly describe a memorable coding problem you had and how you solved it.

When I first started QA, one of the Sr. developers needed to fix an HTML and CSS issue with one of our products. He seemed like he had a bit much on his plate, so I googled how to do everything and I figured out the problem and how to fix it. He was thrilled that I helped, and I count that as my first programming project.

What advice do you have for future coders?

Learn to Google. The ability to effectively and quickly find answers to your questions is going to be one of the most valuable skills in your arsenal.