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Discover Adenike Adeyemi's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2025 2018-04-25 Adenike Adeyemi | Time to put myself out there! en-US true Adenike Adeyemi, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Adenike Adeyemi 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Adenike Adeyemi Software Engineer
Oviedo FL US
Adenike Adeyemi

Adenike Adeyemi

Time to put myself out there!
HTML CSS Javascript Jquery Bootstrap JQuery Node Express MySQL Squelize Handlebars JavaScript PHP

I'm a Computer engineer graduate who is looking to put my new found coding experience to work. I'm told I'm a fast learner by others and after participating in the UCF Coding Bootcamp I believe it. Besides coding I loving music and currently learning the piano and an avid gamer. In fact, one of my hopes is that I'm able to create a game one day.

I first learned in high school with HTML and CSS and found it easy. Then when college I eventually came around to Computer engineering and Learned C, Java, Matlab, and assembly and enjoyed it.

I like the problem-solving aspect of it. I see it as a game or a logic puzzle. "With the giving tools can you solve X." Though there are times where I feel like banging my head into a wall I also love the feeling of eureka when I find the missing piece.

HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery
An 80's themed music video streaming and lyric website.
HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, JQuery, Node, Express, MySQL, Squelize, Handlebars
A website for people to upload and sell recipes
JavaScript, HTML
We get the news you get to comment
JavaScript, HTML
an app using mysql express and handlebars
Practice with CSS
HTML, JavaScript
JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PHP
Homework on how to use JSON and ajax with JQuery and Javascript
JavaScript, HTML, PHP
Week 6 Homework
first repository "hello world"
Creating the basic wireframe of a website
JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PHP
Karaoke App
project for practicing node
my portfolio now with bootstrap
This is a new Repository
JavaScript, HTML
react homework
HTML, CSS, JavaScript
An official portfolio to show to employers
HTML, JavaScript, CSS
Firebase Quickstart Samples for Web
JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PHP
Homework about firebase
testing stuff
JavaScript, CSS, HTML, PHP
Learning about Javascript timers
HTML, JavaScript, CSS
Interactive vocal warmup game were users can learn how to tone and have fun.
JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PHP
Homework 3
HTML, Javascript, CSS
Converts number to their English counterpart from 0 to 1000000000000.

Order, order! You need to login

Contact Adenike and All Sorts of Other Cool Stuff