Aaron Karlsruher
Aaron Karlsruher
My name is Aaron Karlsruher, I am Full-Stack Web Developer proficient at assessing a project’s needs, allowing functional ideas and features to be brought to fruition via traditional and fresh, cooperating front and backend frameworks. Foreign English Teacher experience assures ability to communicate accurately and effectively across project teams while easily adapting to new protocols, technologies, and directions.
I learned to code through Rutger University's Coding Bootcamp. "RCB" is an intensive 24-week long boot camp dedicated to designing and building web applications.
Skills Learned: JavaScript, jQuery, Node.js, Express, HTML5/CSS3, Bootstrap, Git, Angular.js, Lodash, Responsive Design, API/JSON, RESTful API, Firebase, MySQL, Ajax, State Management, Active Record and Command Line.
Topics Covered: Database Theory, API's, Agile Methodologies, Presentation Skills, Research Methods, System Administration, Quality Assurance Testing, Social Coding Best Practices, Computer Science.
What I like most about programming is that it gives me the ability to create collaboratively with little to no overhead cost. All I need is an objective and my own computer, and if I'm lucky, a great team to work with.