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Discover Brian Hernandez's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2025 2018-04-25 Brian Hernandez | Frontend Developer en-US true Brian Hernandez, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Brian Hernandez 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Brian Hernandez Software Engineer
Brian Hernandez

Brian Hernandez

Frontend Developer
HTML CSS3 JavaScript Sass Grunt HTML5 Liquid CSS Shell

Hey, my name is Brian Hernandez. I'm someone that has always been interested in frontend web technologies. I also really enjoy learning about different human languages and cultures (Spanish and Japanese are the ones I know best). I am looking to surround myself with a professional team of developers to learn and grow from. I would really love an opportunity where I could leverage my language and international experience while also creating web/mobile app experiences for people.

I have a formal background in Computer Science but ever since high school I've always dabbled in creating websites and teaching myself the technologies that power them. I've also used different online learning services such as, and I'm currently a student at the Bov Academy of Programming and Innovation ( On occasion I will also take on freelance web design clients for local small businesses.

I enjoy crafting web experiences that are useful to people but are also beautiful and elegant while solving the programming problems to bring them to life.

A portfolio site made to showcase the different projects I am working as a student of the Bov Aca...
HTML, CSS3, JavaScript,
A project that simulates a product listings page. The page has a shopping cart made from vanilla...
HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Sass, Liquid
A custom Shopify website I created for a local small business client.
The 7-1 Architecture
Course: Becoming a JavaScript Expert Chapter 4: JavaScript Events In Depth / Project Assignment 2...
JavaScript, CSS, Shell
Javascript Canvas Library, SVG-to-Canvas (& canvas-to-SVG) Parser
HTML, JavaScript
Fade Lines On Scroll is an innovative component that reveals words in a text block upon scrolling...
My very simple JavaScript fizzbuzz program.
Course: Mastering JavaScript and Modern Web Development Chapter 5: Intro to Responsive Design / P...
Course: Mastering JavaScript and Modern Web Development Chapter 5: Intro to Responsive Design / P...
Course: Introduction to JavaScript and Modern Web Development Chapter 2: Introduction to CSS / Pr...
Chapter 2: Introduction to CSS / Project Assignment 4: Creating (Many) Forms and Inputs / A Color...
Chapter 2: Introduction to CSS / Project Assignment 4: Creating (Many) Forms and Inputs / A Credi...
Chapter 2: Introduction to CSS / Project Assignment 4: Creating (Many) Forms and Inputs / A Login...
Course: Introduction to JavaScript and Modern Web Development Chapter 2: Introduction to CSS / Pr...
Course: Introduction to JavaScript and Modern Web Development Chapter 2: Introduction to CSS / Pr...
Course: Introduction to JavaScript and Modern Web Development Chapter 2: Introduction to CSS / Pr...
Chapter 2: Introduction to CSS / Project Assignment 4: Creating (Many) Forms and Inputs / A Quest...
Chapter 2: Introduction to CSS / Project Assignment 4: Creating (Many) Forms and Inputs / A Sched...
Chapter 2: Introduction to CSS / Project Assignment 4: Creating (Many) Forms and Inputs / A Searc...
Chapter 2: Introduction to CSS / Project Assignment 4: Creating (Many) Forms and Inputs / A Shipp...
Chapter 2: Introduction to CSS / Project Assignment 4: Creating (Many) Forms and Inputs / A Signu...
Chapter 2: Introduction to CSS / Project Assignment 5: The Calculator
My Various Web Components I've Built
JavaScript, Shell
Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in javascript.
CSS, JavaScript, HTML
Bov Academy of Programming and Futuristic Engineering Portfolio
HTML, CSS, JavaScript
A practice hackathon session from Oct. 21st - Oct. 23rd 2016 for Modern Developer Course with Dav...
Simple Strokes website for showcasing my front-end development skills, versioning skills, and for...
My experimental style guide. Based off of
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
First team project for modern developer
HTML, JavaScript, CSS

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