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Discover Erin Mahoney's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2025 2018-04-25 Erin Mahoney | Artist turned web developer en-US true Erin Mahoney, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Erin Mahoney 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Erin Mahoney Software Engineer
San Francisco CA US
Erin Mahoney

Erin Mahoney

Artist turned web developer
JavaScript Mongo Express AJAX HTML5 CSS3 Mongoose Bootstrap Ruby on Rails SQL mySQL PostgreSQL AWS S3 Javascript Node jQuery ActiveRecord

Hello! I am an artist turned web developer. I currently live in San Francisco and I love to travel. I work best as a front-end developer and I am looking to grow within a company that can support my budding skills.

I learned coding at a twelve week web development immersive at General Assembly. There, I learned two stacks in JavaScript and Ruby on Rails. I created three separate projects in one week sprints and currently volunteer on the Alumni Board. I also attended my first hackathon during that time and placed in the top 6th finalists for the Masters of Code Hackathon in San Francisco.

At heart, I am a true DIYer. Being an artist, I love to create things that come from my ideas. It's of no surprise that I genuinely love to build new applications with an emphasis on great functionality and responsive design.

JavaScript, Mongo, Express, AJAX, HTML5, CSS3, Mongoose, Bootstrap
A photo editing and sharing web application.
Ruby on Rails, SQL, mySQL, PostgreSQL, AJAX, JavaScript, AWS S3, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap
A mapped route application with a focus on customized elevation
Ruby on Rails, SQL, AWS S3, mySQL, PostgreSQL, AJAX, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap
A digital paint-by-numbers Browser Application
Javascript, HTML5, CSS3, AJAX, Express, Node, Mongo, Mongoose, jQuery
An image editing and sharing application.
Ruby on Rails, Javascript, jQuery, AJAX, HTML5, CSS3, PostgreSQL, mySQL, ActiveRecord
A mapped route application with an emphasis on custom elevation.
Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, PostgreSQL, mySQL, ActiveRecord, AWS S3, HTML5, CSS3
A digital paint-by-numbers application

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