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Discover Ilaria Bossi's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2025 2018-04-25 Ilaria Bossi | Code the change you want to see in the world en-US true Ilaria Bossi, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Ilaria Bossi 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Ilaria Bossi Software Engineer
New York US
Ilaria Bossi

Ilaria Bossi

Code the change you want to see in the world
CSS3 HTML5 JQuery Bootstrap JavaScript jQuery Twitter Bootstrap

I'm an Italian born New Yorker. Born and raised in Italy, I moved around Europe and the States, lived and worked in California to then land in the one city that is me: New York. I've always been fascinated, among other things, by languages and Physics. After a successful experience in the Engineering field in California and 14 years in Physics, I oscillated to the other side of my career pendulum and flew to New York, enamored with the East Coast lifestyle and Translations. I've been doing Translations for the past 9 years and recently developed an (obsessive) interest in coding. I'm enrolled in the coding bootcamp Codify Academy and ready to move on to the next phase of my career: the one where I code all day and get paid for it.

Self taught, attended java classes at Baruch college, now enrolled in the Codify Academy bootcamp in NYC

The zone. When I code I get in the zone and nothing else matters. I also love how connected I feel to the community of coders out there, who share their knowledge and help me find solutions. And the re-wiring process that is happening to my brain since I started coding is fascinating. I observe my brain building new paths never explored before and breaking old thought patterns to embrace new ones. It's beautiful.

CSS3, HTML5, JQuery, Bootstrap, JavaScript
An attempt to create a place in the cloud where to store and display my work
CSS3, HTML5, jQuery, JavaScript, Twitter Bootstrap
Projects I've worked on since I started the bootcamp 13 weeks ago

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