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Discover Jake Wengroff's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2025 2018-04-25 Jake Wengroff | Jr.DevJobs en-US true Jake Wengroff, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Jake Wengroff 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Jake Wengroff Software Engineer
West Palm Beach, FL US
Jake Wengroff

Jake Wengroff

Ruby CSS JavaScript CoffeeScript HTML Shell

I squeezed the Charmin on TV in the 1970s and was a VP of Marketing on Wall Street in the 1990s. I've competed in mathematics, playwriting and powerlifting.

I'm the tech reporter for a CBS Radio show and I want to build awesome products with awesome people because there is so much more of the world to explore.

I have happily invested over 600 hours so far, taking both free and paid online courses and attending as many Rails Meetups near my home.

The most significant portion of my learning was carried out during the Rails Web Development bootcamp offered by Bloc, from which I graduated in November 2015. I am continuing my learning, with online courses from Treehouse, Lynda, and CodeMentor.

I had never even heard of Ruby on Rails until I joined a team -- that won -- Startup Weekend Miami in October 2012.

I like the idea of problem solving, and determining if this problem is really a problem or perhaps it's just an iteration of something which has been solved before.

I enjoy writing out pseudo-code, and then determining what should be programmed and what should not. There are rules to obey and conventions to observe, and there is never a shortage of learning.

I also continue to be impressed with the efforts of the hardworking open source community, who continue to publish gems, libraries, and solutions to common issues. I've begun to contribute to some open source projects and I can only hope I can continue.

Seeing all of my Rspec tests pass gives me not only a sense of joy, but also accomplishment, and that all is OK with the world.

Ruby, CSS, JavaScript, CoffeeScript
Dina Job Assessments
Ruby, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, CoffeeScript
An application that allows users to bookmark URLs via email.
Ruby, HTML, CSS, CoffeeScript, JavaScript
A Reddit replica to help learn the fundamentals of Web development.
My attempts at creating a calculator application.
Ruby, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Shell
CodeMontage empowers coders to improve their impact on the world. Find open source software proje...
Ruby, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
First Rails app for Bloc apprenticeship.
First repo for Bloc apprenticeship.
Ruby, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
A coding challenge.
HTML, Ruby, CSS, JavaScript, CoffeeScript
Create self-destructing to-do lists in this Web app.
Tracking the journey to software engineer.
Ruby, CSS, JavaScript, CoffeeScript
The Jumpstart Lab Blogger tutorial.
The results of a Machine Learning Hack Night by the Miami NodeJS MeetUp.
Another quick Rails app to learn Web development.
Ruby, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, CoffeeScript
An app that lets you organize and review your online learning materials.
A simple, beautiful Jekyll theme that's mobile first.
Ruby, HTML, JavaScript, CSS
Simple Ruby on Rails engine that you can plug into your app
A collection of my introductory exercises, completed as pre-work for the Introduction to Ruby cou...
The Blackjack Game from Lesson 1 of Tealeaf Academy's Introduction to Ruby and Web Development
converts numbers into words
Ruby, CSS, JavaScript, CoffeeScript

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Contact Jake and All Sorts of Other Cool Stuff