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Discover Joshua Zapata's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2025 2018-04-25 Joshua Zapata | Software Engineer en-US true Joshua Zapata, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Joshua Zapata 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Joshua Zapata Software Engineer
San Francisco CA US
Joshua Zapata

Joshua Zapata

Software Engineer
JavaScript MeteorJS TDD AngularJS Node.js HTML5 CSS3 Ruby Rails jQuery AJAX Bootstrap PostgreSQL CSS HTML CoffeeScript

I'm a software engineer specializing in full-stack web development. My past experience working with law firms and non-profits gives me a unique perspective on the software and technical needs of those fields.

I think of myself as an accomplished improviser. I'm quick on my feet and am accustomed to hitting the ground running, a fact demonstrated by my diverse work history and contract assignments.

I graduated this spring from Bloc's 24-week Full Stack Developer course, an industry standard-setting course from the oldest coding school in the nation.

While I was at Bloc, I completed a small but diverse set of projects, including a modern music app on AngularJS, and a social wiki Software-as-a-Service app on Ruby on Rails. Outside of the program, I built my portfolio as a React project and also built an app with MeteorJS. I worked hard to cultivate both breadth and depth of understanding of the entire technology stack in each project and rigorously followed the best industry practices, including Test-Driven Development.

Before Bloc, I worked as the Executive Administrative Coordinator at the California Appellate Project. My work was very demanding then -- I was working to meet the internal administrative and technical needs at every level of the organization's two offices. I liked all things having to do with technology, so I worked on CAP's web presence, email campaigns, internal training documents, customer and client services, SQL database, and other technical projects whenever the opportunity arose.

At my last job, I wrote code (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) but mostly it was plain English that organized and galvanized legal remedies for death row inmates. As a project manager, I'm used to putting people first, because I solve problems for people. Since then I've written full stack apps in many different JavaScript and Ruby frameworks. I believe in the power of tech to help people.

JavaScript, MeteorJS, TDD
GameTree is a new kind of social network for gamers offering amazingly personal recommendations f...
JavaScript, AngularJS, Node.js, HTML5, CSS3, TDD
Bloc Jams is a music application that allows the user to play music, featuring interactive scroll...
Ruby, Rails, jQuery, AJAX, Bootstrap, PostgreSQL, TDD
Wikibed was created for users to browse, create, and edit public and private wiki pages. The app ...
A small clone of 1024 (
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
Play music on a responsive mobile and desktop app with interactive scroll bars and volume controls
Ruby, HTML, CSS, CoffeeScript, JavaScript
Ruby, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
A modern web app for social collaboration on public records
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
Ruby, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, CoffeeScript
A nimble to-do app
HTML, CSS, JavaScript
A Jekyll-based Portfolio Theme
JavaScript, HTML
JavaScript, HTML
JavaScript, HTML
Ruby, HTML, CoffeeScript, JavaScript, CSS
A safe place to rest your wiki pages... Check the link for a live demo:

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