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Discover Pierce Hicks's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2025 2019-11-16 Pierce Hicks | Full-Stack Web Developer. Specializing in Javascript and the React Framework. en-US true Pierce Hicks, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Pierce Hicks 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Pierce Hicks Software Engineer
Atlanta GA US
Pierce Hicks

Pierce Hicks

Full-Stack Web Developer. Specializing in Javascript and the React Framework.
Node Javascript SQL Jasmine Postgres Heroku JavaScript HTML CSS

Full-stack Web Developer with interests in building and improving web applications and a focus on Javascript, specifically React.

Self-taught initially then I graduated from Bloc Full-Stack Web Development Program.

The problem-solving aspect and constant evolution of the field.

Node, Javascript, SQL, Jasmine, Postgres, Heroku
Application allowing users to create, update, and delete Wikis.
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Start of app
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Reddit-like app to discuss and share content
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Test for Bloc clas
All the Git-it Workshop completers!
My portfolio website
The first version of my portfolio
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Easy scroll animations for web and mobile browsers.

Order, order! You need to login

Contact Pierce and All Sorts of Other Cool Stuff