Federico Polesel
Front End Developer - Pentesting Enthusiast

Federico Polesel
Front End Developer - Pentesting Enthusiast
I am a native of Buenos Aires, Argentina. although also an Italian citizen, my interest in computers was born as a child, dismantling and repairing every computer that crossed my hands, there I discovered that with enough dedication and perseverance could learn anything that I wanted, during the following years I was always dedicated to computer science, electronics, networks and computer security, which gives me a fairly complete knowledge. always the programming was a hoobie. until one I decided to turn my passion for the development in my means of life, of there in more never stop forming me, and to continue growing, if it had to describe my way of working in a word, it would be PASSION...
primero comence aprendiendo por mi cuenta desde joven, luego me especialize con cursos en el universidad, y ahora me encuentro cursando la carrera de analista programador en la universidad tecnologica nacional
everything, programming is my job, my escape, my day to day, my hobby