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Discover Stephen John's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2025 2016-09-23 Stephen John | Everyone should know how to program a computer, cause it teaches you how to think en-US true Stephen John, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Stephen John 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Stephen John Software Engineer
Stephen John

Stephen John

Everyone should know how to program a computer, cause it teaches you how to think
Wordpress HTML CSS Javascript Bootstrap Ruby on Rails JavaScript Java Ruby CoffeeScript

I am a Jr. web and mobile app developer from Grenada. I enjoy building everything from small business sites to rich interactive web and mobile apps. If you are a business seeking a web presence or an employer looking to hire, you can get in touch with me here. Currently in my senior year of pursuing a bachelor degree in Information Technology. After successful completing many programming and web development course, I found great interest into web development and mobile development. Eager to kick-start a reward yet challenging career path I developed this website to show the world and future employers my work and additional information about me. I am very determined and have deep interest in creating new things and problem solving.

University courses(Into to and advance programming, Android development, Web design) curriculum
Online tutorials(Udemy-The Complete Android Developer Course)

I like creating new things and making it function the way I want it to. I also like problem solving which as a programmer, a very important skill to attain.

Architectural and structural drafting firm
HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap
My portfolio website
Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
A website where developers and investors can interact - NOT live.
Android application that converts US currency to EURO currency
Application that manipulates JSON data and in wanted data to a BarChart(MP barchart)
Math game that randomly generate math questions with a count down timer.
Ruby, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, CoffeeScript

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