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Discover Tyler Brown's Projects, Code Samples, Resume, and More 2025 2018-04-25 Tyler Brown | Junior Web Developer, Senior Bad Joke Creator en-US true Tyler Brown, Junior, Developers, Profiles, Portfolio Tyler Brown 500 500 Jr.DevJobs Hunter Meyer Co-Founder & CEO Twitter LinkedIn CrunchBase Facebook Jr.DevJobs
Tyler Brown Software Engineer
Portland OR US
Tyler Brown

Tyler Brown

Junior Web Developer, Senior Bad Joke Creator
JavaScript Node Backbone Jade Grunt Rivets Angular Firebase AngularFire Bootstrap Ruby Rails HTML

I'm a Portland-native young web developer incredibly excited to delve into the tech industry. I pride myself on being very career oriented, but am also quite laid back and easy going when time permits. I believe that a happy and fun work environment makes everyone's productivity skyrocket! My current internship is working on a full-stack JavaScript project in Node, Jade, Backbone, and Rivets, but I also am very comfortable with using Rails, Angular, Ember, and have a solid knowledge of HTML5, CSS3, and Sass.

While working as a bartender, many of my friends were exiting college with CS degrees or starting their own companies in web development. I bugged them about it enough times for them to tell me a bit about the world of programming, and I found it incredibly interesting. After playing around with some easy HTML and JavaScript pages and enjoying it, I decided to dedicate all of my time into making a career switch and signed up for Epicodus. Along with Epicodus' 40 hour per week course load, I have enjoyed working on pet projects in Sails.js and have started to look into Laravel!

I love to be frequently confronted with challenges. To look at a problem and have no initial idea how to solve it, then eventually tackling that problem with confidence, is one of the best experiences I have ever had. Programming at any level presents those problems on a daily basis, and I feel very fortunate to be stepping into a career where I can be challenged for the rest of my life.

JavaScript, Node, Backbone, Jade, Grunt, Rivets
A physical card-customizing and sending application for all types of events and occasions, includ...
Angular, Firebase, AngularFire, Bootstrap
An application replicating Stack Overflow (specialized for our class problems), utilizing externa...
Angular, Firebase, Bootstrap
An application replicating Stack Overflow (specialized for our class problems), using database st...
Angular, Ruby, Rails, Bootstrap
A Bike Repair Uber replication for mobile repair solutions, using Angular front-end API talking t...
Epicodus Week 4 Assessment
Epicodus Week 9 Assessment
A photo sharing app made with Ruby on Rails.
A replication of the learnhowtoprogram website, using Ruby on Rails
Epicodus Week 8 Assessment
Epicodus Week 11 Assessment - uses Ruby on Rails
Epicodus: Week 4 Day 4
A small Ruby on Rails application that utilizes JSON for a data set

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